This is artist John Elliot's Landscapes in oil pastel paintings, larger view

John Elliot DIGITAL GALLERY of OIL PASTEL LANDSCAPES, page 1, larger view

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  • code L.op.I.4 20" x 24", oil pastel on pastel paper. Copyrighted by the artist. All rights reserved.

    The oil pastel landscape on this page is owned by an investor group. JE-GFI, Inc. (see note) is the authorized marketing representative for this group. Galleries, museums, and collectors should contact VP Sales and Marketing/Elliot, JE-GFI Inc, 304 Highmount Terrace, Upper Nyack, NY 10960. Tel 845-304-6988 or Email the representative at
    NOTE: JE-GFI, Inc. is the same company you knew as Graphics for Industry since 1968. In moving the corporate papers from Delaware to New York, the name was modified on 1/1/2002 to avoid confusion with a pre-existing New York State corporation. Dun and Bradstreet has our rating under the prior name

    Last modified: May 1, 2002. Copyright 2002 by JE-GFI, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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